Youth Group

Our Mission: To make lifelong disciples

Our Vision: To grow a family who are the hands and feet of Jesus in the World

We Value: Service to and for all; Building a safe, fun, and inclusive community; Real and caring relationships; Striving to answer God’s call; Opportunities for active leadership

Growing Faith Deep & Wide

Youth Minister: Rachel Ulrich

Upcoming events.

Clay (Grades 6th - 8th)

Join our younger youth group, where every moment is an adventure! Here, we create a dynamic and nurturing space for middle schoolers to explore their faith, build meaningful friendships, and grow together. From exciting activities and engaging discussions to fun outings and service projects, our younger youth group is a vibrant community where faith, friendship, and fun come together. It's the perfect place for young hearts to flourish and discover their unique connection to God.

Solid Rock (Grades 9th - 12th)

Welcome to our older youth group, a place where high schoolers thrive and faith takes center stage! Our older youth group is all about inspiring young minds, deepening spirituality, and making lasting memories. Through thought-provoking discussions, impactful service initiatives, and exciting events, we create an empowering environment for high school students to connect, grow, and make a positive impact in our world. Join us and be part of a community where faith, leadership, and service go hand in hand.

Confirmation meets Sunday mornings during the school year from 10:10 - 10:50 a.m. or Middle Schoolers may help with Sunday Seeds in the CLC from 10:10 - 10:50 a.m.